“wxMaxima for Calculus I” and “wxMaxima for Calculus II” introduce the free open-source computer algebra system wxMaxima in the context of single variable calculus. Each book can serve as a lab manual for a one-unit semester calculus lab, a source of supplemental CAS exercises or a tutorial reference for students and instructors who prefer learn computer algebra by example.


   Free .pdf e-book.
   Black and White Paperback
   Edition 1.0 Errata and Bugs
   TeX Source (looking for a new server)
   Image Archive


   Free .pdf e-book.
   Black and White Paperback
   Edition 1.0 Errata and Bugs
   TeX Source (looking for a new server)
   Image Archive

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

wxMaxima is free and open-source software, and in that spirit “wxMaxima for Calculus I” and “wxMaxima for Calculus II” are licensed as CC-BY-NC-SA open texts. The open text/open software combination makes it possible for colleges and universities to run calculus labs without creating an additional financial burden on their students. The Creative Commons license allows anyone to modify and/or redistribute the texts provided the original author and all subsequent authors are attributed AND the work is not used for commercial purposes. For those interested in producing a derivative work, the original TeX and image files are linked above.

I like to keep track of course adoptions.  If you decide to adopt this text for your course, or if you have any questions about the text, please contact me using the form below.